Grand adventure of Spain! I am a college student at PAC at San Antonio. We are traveling with a group of 30 on our tour. Experienceing sight, smell, taste, sound, & touch of Espana.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

6/5/07 San Antonio TX

5 days to go!
Each day that passes I get more and more excited. Today was the 2nd day of class which was filled with more information.

I am not a communication major and I am not a good writer but I have always wanted to research and write about one thing: the culture and lifestyles of other countries. I am of Mexican decent, and I was born and raised in the United States.
I have always had conflict between both cultures about which one to go for. Since I was educated in school about the Americans point of view and also while I was in Mexico about their point of view in the war. So I hope to someday be able to research and go in depth with this story.

What are the happening of a small country town?
I live in a town called Stockdale. It is smack down in the middle of nothing. Many people refer to us as people living out in the "boonies." Nothing ever happens around here. The town is made up of at least 1,000 people. The townspeople are very conservative and when companies want to build here they reject the offer because they want to keep Stockdale as an suburban community. Our town is big on sports, so the peoples life revolves around sports. The biggest issue I feel is important is that the money that the school receives is mainly given to the athletic department. This leaves the school with problems of leaks and leaving the other departments without the materials they need for their classes. I think that this issue needs to be focused on more in the future.

The week continues and the clock is ticking until the day we load onto the plane and leave.

Bueno Hasta luego!