Grand adventure of Spain! I am a college student at PAC at San Antonio. We are traveling with a group of 30 on our tour. Experienceing sight, smell, taste, sound, & touch of Espana.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

6/14/07- Burgos,Spain- A cold day in Spain

A cold day in Burgos!

Today we are in Burgos. The day is so cold and rainy. I was not expecting it to be like this.
When we arrived, the first thing we saw was a Gothic cathedral. It was so amazing around the plaza of the cathedral there
were merry go rounds. They were very odd they were like from a fantasy story. We have a tour scheduled for 4pm at the Cathedral de Burgos. This church took 300 years to build. El Cid is buried in this cathedral he is considered a national hero. He took part in fighting Moors and was banished by the king.

The culture of Spain is very similar to that of the culture in San Antonio. The culture was brought over to the United States by the Spaniards. Most of the buildings were built in using the architectural structure from the Spaniards. The food is also a mix between the Spaniards and the Mexicans, since most of the Mexicans are descendents from Spaniards. Therefore the cultures intermixed. The Spanish traditional dance, flamenco, is just like the traditional Mexican dance, ballet folkloric. The similarities between the two cultures are immense.

The Spanish culture is a culture that you just have to learn about and experience. I have read many things about Spain, and it’s just not the same until you experience the many foods, the music, and the performances.