Grand adventure of Spain! I am a college student at PAC at San Antonio. We are traveling with a group of 30 on our tour. Experienceing sight, smell, taste, sound, & touch of Espana.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

6/21/07 Torremolinos, Spain

Last night, we stayed in Granada. When we arrived, we had to go searching for a place to wash our clothes, so we got directions from Gary. The guys thought they could read a map, and they took us in a whole circle so we got tired of waiting. We went back to Gary and me, Jackie and Paul found the "lavanderia"washateria in a few minutes.

The whole group went out to a salsa club it was so much fun. There were not alot of people there and it did not smell like smoke. We were all dancing, me, Jackie, Erica, and Sarah were dancing with "G"(Gerardo).

Today we are in Torremolinos Costa del Sol. We left Granada at 8am and arrived at around 5:30pm. We got to our hotel and it is worse than the last. It does not have air conditioner, and it's small. The guys have a room with two beds and a couch that turns in to a bunk bed. That is just too funny we are in such a crappy hotel ha ha because it's just so small and very hot.

The Moors had so much influence on Spain especially in the Andalucia region. Cordoba, Sevilla and Granada. The battle between the Chritians and Moors who invaded Spain was so long
Today we had a tour around La Alhambra in Granada. The structures there were so amazing. You can tell so much just by the way they built the buildings. They were so magestic.