Grand adventure of Spain! I am a college student at PAC at San Antonio. We are traveling with a group of 30 on our tour. Experienceing sight, smell, taste, sound, & touch of Espana.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

6/20/07 Granada, Spain

Today is June 20, and we are in Granada. We left Valencia at 8 am and we arrived here at 4 pm. When we first arrived, I was so exhausted from the 7 hour drive.

On the bus we reviewed chapter nine in our "The Story of Spain." We talked about a 20th century artist Antonio Gaudi. While we were in Barcelona, we went to see two structures designed by him. First we went to the Sagrada Familia. Iast is a gothic looking cathedral. This church has been in the process of being completed for over 200 years. The stucture of the church seemed playful like he was trying to make it fun and at the same time serious.
We then went my favorite place, Parque Guell. This is such a beautiful site, in my opinion. I think that this park is so much gorgeous than the River Walk or the mission ruins in San Antonio. They have so much greenery and it's just gorgeous.

When we were done we went into a nice hotel. As we walked in we could not believe that this would be our hotel. It was just too good to be true and of course it was. A few minutes later Gary came back with the keys to our real hotel the entrance was small but the rooms are ok they are like suites but not as good looking. The room has two rooms a kitchen, a small bathroom, it is so hot and stuffy in there and the toilet did not flush.

After we put our stuff away, we went on a search for a washateria. We asked people for directions and all we got was I don't know, and straight to the right. Everyone and everywhere we asked their respond was straight to the right. After so many tries we found it. We waited forever but it was worth it, we got our clothes washed. After, we went to eat at Pizza Hut, it was just awesome. It was like a party in my mouth, compared to the food we have been eating all week.

Hasta MaƱana

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey wuz up i hope you are having a fun time over there cause its booooooring over here except when we go to feista texas when i will leave you a comment next time if mom is off the computer love nene